Designing augmentative and alternative communication systems with Aboriginal Australians: Vocabulary representation, layout, and access. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Augmentative and alternative communication for Aboriginal Australians: Developing core vocabulary for Yolŋu speakers. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Investigating disparity in access to Australian clinical genetic health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Understanding disability through the lens of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – challenges and opportunities.
Urinary continence and living with Machado Joseph disease: Insights from a literature review and experience of the Machado Joseph Disease Foundation.
“This is my boy’s health! Talk straight to me!” perspectives on accessible and culturally safe care among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients of clinical genetics services.
Pathophysiological interplay between O-GlcNAc transferase and the Machado-Joseph disease protein ataxin-3.